Fabbrika tal-istiker puffy PAW Patrol biex tagħmel Stikers Puffy Restickable 3-Pack - Adventure Bay, Jake's Mountain, Jungle

Fabbrika tal-istiker puffy PAW Patrol biex tagħmel Stikers Puffy Restickable 3-Pack - Adventure Bay, Jake's Mountain, Jungle

  • ell għadd ta 'stejjer billi timla xeni mill-ġdid u għal darb'oħra fi tliet pads (Adventure Bay, Jake's Mountain, Jungle) għal ma' PAW Patrol Restickable Puffy Stickers
  • Stikers minfuħin li jistgħu jerġgħu jintużaw jaderixxu ma 'xeni (3 xeni li jintwew f'kull kuxxinett) u qaxxar faċilment biex terġa' tpoġġi mill-ġdid u għal darb'oħra
  • Format kompatt, marbut spirali u ħażna ta 'stiker inkorporat jagħmilhom attività kbira ta' vjaġġar li tinkoraġġixxi ħiliet fini tal-mutur, espressjoni kreattiva, ħsieb narrattiv, u logħob indipendenti
  • PAW Patrol huwa dejjem lest biex jgħin, jispira preskolaturi b'taħlita ta 'ħidma f'tim, avventura, u umoriżmu hekk kif jiżviluppaw ħiliet soċjali, emozzjonali u ta' żvilupp permezz tal-logħob
  • Jagħmel rigal kbir għal tfal ta' bejn l-4 u s-6 snin, għal logħob hands-on, mingħajr skrin
• IRREPLACEBLE VALUE, MISCELLANEOUS SHEETS: 26 different sheets with approximately 20 stickers per sheet;Each sheet in an individual sleeve.Keep kids busy; More than 500 3D puffy stickers in each set which can make for hours of creative fun,baby is more interested!Contact with water will not fade, compared with other puffy stickers!

• VARIOUS COLORS & DESIGHS: Over 500 3D puffy stickers for grils and boys, 20 different sheets for scrapbooking, bulletdiary stickers for students and Professional,including stars,heart,dinosaur,cars,animals,fishes,cartoon animals,cakes,candy,pandas and tons more! All of them are the MOST POPULAR design that children fond of!

• SAFE AND NON-TOXIC,EASY TO PEEL & STICK: These stickers are Reusable. They are easy to peel & stick. Great for scrapbook making, kid's crafts, marking calendars, or keeping track of classroom accomplishments. Children love them!They are non-toxic if stuck on skin, don't worry if your little ones cover themselves, friends or siblings in stickers!

• POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT: Teachers, parents, and grandparents can reward effort and good behavior with a sticker that’s perfect every occasion or season.It's also a perfect Christmas gifts to your friends and your kids.It's Christmas supplier.

• SATISFACTION GUARANTEE: You'll love our high quality and beautiful stickers or YOUR MONEY BACK. Our Priority is Your Satisfaction.

The stickers can be used individually for:
Progress reports
Rewards and Encouragement
Scrap booking
Bullet journals
Creativity and FUN!

These 3D Puffy stickers are printed with sharp images and consist of 2 durable layers sealed together which provides a tactile, multi-dimentional experience without the issues of puffy stickers from years ago . They are 3D - you will feel them raised on the page, allowing for MORE FUN, more creativity and different opportunities to use them compared to traditional flat stickers.

puffy sticker factory | Restickable Puffy Stickers |  YH Craft