Mini kids Temporary Stiker tat-Tatwaġġi Waterproof Children Tattoo More Than 5000 Different Tattoo Designs in Stock for Sale

Mini kids Temporary Stiker tat-Tatwaġġi Waterproof Children Tattoo More Than 5000 Different Tattoo Designs in Stock for Sale

Tatwaġġi temporanji ta 'kwalità għolja li jistgħu jintlibsu kuljum jew f'kull każ li trid tattendi għalih. Tista 'tissostitwixxi t-tatwaġġ tiegħek kull 3-5 ijiem jekk trid. Attira l-ħbieb u l-qraba tiegħek b'mod artistiku ħafna! FRISK ĦAFNA! :)

• It looks like real tattoos.
• Water-transfer tattoos.
• Washable / Replaceable.
• Last 15 days on arm back/neck/face.
• Skin-friendly. Safe.
• Easy application.
• More designs to choose from.
• Size :5.5x6cm
• Package:20pcs into an opp bag
• Designs:20 designs

Manifattur tat-Tatwaġġ Temporanju Kożmetiku

YongHe tispeċjalizza fl-istampar tatwaġġi tad-dwana għat-tfal u bħalissa hija l-akbar manifattur ta 'tatwaġġi temporanji konformi mal-kożmetiċi fiċ-Ċina.

As temporary tattoo manufacturer, we comply with the European Regulation (EC) 1223/2009 for cosmetic Prodotti and the 2009/48 regulation for toys. Also we have MSDS and CE report. 

Because our tattoos have been evaluated and approved for dermatological use, we can provide the necessary assistance to register a specific design in the CPNP portal, an essential requirement to distribute cosmetic Prodotti in the EU.

Effetti Speċjali

F'YongHe naħdmu bit-teknoloġiji meħtieġa biex niksbu diversi effetti speċjali fuq it-tatwaġġi foloz tagħna:
• Full-Color: the four-color tattoos achieve absolute fidelity to the original design. They can be printed using white for a brighter effect or without white for a more realistic effect.
• Black and White: the most used way to imitate traditional tattoos, such as tribal tattoos.
• Glitter: to create fancy shiny designs.
• Luminescent: temporary tattoos that glow in the dark.
• Metallic: for tattoos with gold and silver effect.
• Single packing: in sustainable materials. Find more information about our overwrapping solutions.

Fejn isiru t-tatwaġġi temporanji tagħna?

Il-manifattura sħiħa ta 'tatwaġġi temporanji ssir fil-fabbrika tagħna fiċ-Ċina, li tippermettilna li jkollna kontroll totali tal-materja prima, il-proċess tal-produzzjoni, it-traċċabilità u l-ippakkjar.

Mini kids Temporary Tattoo  | Waterproof Children Tattoo | YH Craft