Bejgħ onlajn tal-istiker tat-tatwaġġ Babbie | tatwaġġ temporanju tal-kartuns għall-bniet

Bejgħ onlajn tal-istiker tat-tatwaġġ Babbie | tatwaġġ temporanju tal-kartuns għall-bniet

Tatwaġġi temporanji ta 'kwalità għolja li jistgħu jintlibsu kuljum jew f'kull każ li trid tattendi għalih. Tista 'tissostitwixxi t-tatwaġġ tiegħek kull 3-5 ijiem jekk trid. Attira l-ħbieb u l-qraba tiegħek b'mod artistiku ħafna! FRISK ĦAFNA! :)

• It looks like real tattoos.
• Water-transfer tattoos.
• Washable / Replaceable.
• Last 15 days on arm back/neck/face.
• Skin-friendly. Safe.
• Easy application.
• More designs to choose from.
• Size:11x15.5cm
• Package:each one sheet in an opp bag
• Designs:4 designs

Manifattur tat-Tatwaġġ Temporanju Kożmetiku

YongHe tispeċjalizza fl-istampar tatwaġġi tad-dwana għat-tfal u bħalissa hija l-akbar manifattur ta 'tatwaġġi temporanji konformi mal-kożmetiċi fiċ-Ċina.

As temporary tattoo manufacturer, we comply with the European Regulation (EC) 1223/2009 for cosmetic Prodotti and the 2009/48 regulation for toys. Also we have MSDS and CE report. 

Because our tattoos have been evaluated and approved for dermatological use, we can provide the necessary assistance to register a specific design in the CPNP portal, an essential requirement to distribute cosmetic Prodotti in the EU.

Effetti Speċjali

F'YongHe naħdmu bit-teknoloġiji meħtieġa biex niksbu diversi effetti speċjali fuq it-tatwaġġi foloz tagħna:
• Full-Color: the four-color tattoos achieve absolute fidelity to the original design. They can be printed using white for a brighter effect or without white for a more realistic effect.
• Black and White: the most used way to imitate traditional tattoos, such as tribal tattoos.
• Glitter: to create fancy shiny designs.
• Luminescent: temporary tattoos that glow in the dark.
• Metallic: for tattoos with gold and silver effect.
• Single packing: in sustainable materials. Find more information about our overwrapping solutions.

Fejn isiru t-tatwaġġi temporanji tagħna?

Il-manifattura sħiħa ta 'tatwaġġi temporanji ssir fil-fabbrika tagħna fiċ-Ċina, li tippermettilna li jkollna kontroll totali tal-materja prima, il-proċess tal-produzzjoni, it-traċċabilità u l-ippakkjar.

Bejgħ onlajn tal-istiker tat-tatwaġġ Babbie | tatwaġġ temporanju tal-kartuns għall-bniet | YH Craft